Sydney 2007 - work & travel Australia

Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2013

Lechtaler Alpen I


How to erect a tent in the pouring rain...


Next morning, on the ascent...

Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2013

Back in Augsburg


Herkulesbrunnen Maximilianstraße

St. Ulrich und Afra

Rotes Tor, im Hintergrund St. Ulrich

Moritzplatz, nothing ever changes, everything remains the same...

Rathaus Augsburg mit Augustusbrunnen

Der Dom.


Dienstag, 23. Juli 2013

Being on the road...

Being on the road is great,
arriving somewhere rarely is.

Driving somewhere entails the thrill of promising prospects and the possibilities of future events that will eventually never come.

But while being on the road, while driving, all that doesn’t matter, this knowledge is stored away in the back of your mind.

Flying over the streets at full speed on the left lane, windows down, music turned on full blast, sun in your back, you overtake all your sorrows and leave your worries behind. The future seems like a bright, sparkling and exciting adventure. There are no problems, not even challenges, just seemingly unlimited possibilities. 

You drive and you find your inner peace, contemplating things you could do in the future. You won’t do them, or at least most of them will be suddenly out of reach by the time you have arrived at your destination.

You are not only literally faster in a car, your mind is working faster too. Too fast for real life as it turns out. Thoughts and ideas too good to be(come) true. But life is too true to be good.

Once you have arrived the thrill stops, the adrenaline is gone and that numbing feeling sets in, leaving you puzzled and aimless, confronted with dreary reality instead of magic day-dreams.

You have been high with speed, and wind, and music.

Escaping your life only works for a limited time, the faster you go the easier it is. It has its limits and its risks, but in the end, life will catch up with you, no matter how fast you are.

Point is, being on the road is better than arriving, “could be” beats “like this it is”.

Stop thinking, start driving, avoid arriving at all costs, otherwise you will pay for it.